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Welcome to Be Still My Heart Ministries. Come sit a little while so you can learn how to still your heart. In order to still your heart (and mind), find a special quiet place to hide away so that you can talk to God. Protect your time and hiding place so when you run to the Father, you feel sheltered beneath His wings.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in Him will I trust. He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His wings shalt thou trust." Psalm 91:1-2, and 4 (KJV)

How relaxing to sit in an old wallered-out chair and sling your leg over the arm of it! Go find one of those chairs and relax as you begin a journey of self-renewal and refreshing of your spirit. So many times when you feel out-of-sorts, it is difficult to truly relax and reflect. But sit back and enjoy reading these blogs and hopefully you will find hope and peace while learning how to grow your faith in God daily. Take some 'you' time and refresh. YOU deserve it!

Being still means that at that particular moment in time, you pause your mind and body. Give Him your undivided attention so you can hear His gentle, loving voice. Let's think about you for a moment. You are composed of a mind, body, and spirit. To have one aspect healthy does not mean that the other aspects are healthy. For example, when the mind is overwhelmed, the spirit struggles. Prolonged mental stress can lead to physical downfall. And if the spirit is weakened, then the mind and body may suffer from anxiety or depression. In today's blog, you will see how important it is to look deep within your heart and soul on a daily basis. When you feel overwhelmed, just be still and reground yourself by focusing on His presence.

Do you make others happy when you walk into a room? Or are people glad to see you go?

Everybody needs to feel loved during their lifetime. You may fit in or perhaps you stand out. But either way, God loves you unconditionally, regardless of what the world around you may say. To feel welcomed means that you sense a sweet spirit of gratitude when you are present at a given point and time. The feeling you have when you sense that welcoming spirit is the same feeling that you should have when you welcome God's presence in your day. Taking the time for Him will truly provide you the peace that you may be seeking, physically and spiritually.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God!" I John 3:1 (NKJV)

Please know that you are 'welcomed' to this virtual space. The purpose of Be Still My Heart Ministry is to reflect on the promises that God has for your life. Every week, I will share a word that God lays on my heart, coupled with wisdom from His Holy Word. I hope you enjoy your "being still" time, every day :)

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