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Taking a Time-Out for God

Updated: Jul 31

Wow! It feels good to be back blogging again. I am sure you all were wondering where in the world did I go. There is a two-fold answer to that question. First and foremost, I took a time-out for God. Most people, especially kids, fear the word "time-out", but taking a personal time-out can help you re-focus your mind, body, and spirit. And that is just what I did. When I started this blog, God actually had a much bigger plan in mind, one that I was a little unsure about. So I had to re-align myself with His plans and draw closer to His purpose for my life.

Taking a personal time-out allows you to reflect on your priorities and reassign boundaries to help protect your relationship with God. That sounds a little complicated, but it is such an important activity for all of us to do regularly. Jesus modeled how to be still and listen to His Father, and we should do the same, taking a moment to refresh and renew the mind. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus took moments away from the crowd to talk to His Father. In Mark 1:35, Jesus woke very early in the morning, while it was still dark, and went to a solitary place where He prayed. In Luke 4:42, Jesus departed and went to a desolate place. In Luke 6:12, immediately before choosing his disciples, Jesus went into the hills to pray. He valued the quiet time that He spent with His Father, and we should too.

The second reason why I took some time was to finish a book that God had laid on my heart. The book was inspired by my journey through the loss of my sweet son, Corey. The book, Forever Changed: A Story of Hope, is a Bible study that focuses of how to find yourself again after an overwhelming, life-changing event, hereto referred to as "it". Your "it" may be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, financial ruin, a divorce, or even a struggle with addiction. Everybody has had an "it" occur in their life, one that rocked your foundational beliefs. And if you haven't had an "it" occur yet, you will. So be prayed up.

My book is designed to help with your journey after "it" happens. You will no longer be the same person you were before "it" happened. Trying to remember you are still a Child of God can be difficult after experiencing your "it". I have to be honest, after I lost my son, Corey, I questioned everything I ever believed in! It took me at least six months before I would even talk to God again. I have always faithfully served God. So when Corey passed, I felt like God had betrayed me. To be honest, I was pretty upset with God, and I definitely let Him know how I felt. I was a huge mess, overwhelmed with grief, and out of control. I no longer knew who I was anymore and had actually questioned my faith. Did I really just say that out loud? Yes, I did and am ashamed that I allowed the flesh to overwhelm me like that but I was so broken. My faith should have been stronger than that, right? But I am human and flesh fails.

I wrote this book to help others who lose their way after their "it". This Bible study helps you re-find yourself and identify what plans God still has in store for you. At the time that "it" happens, you are so lost, distant, and confused that it is difficult to figure out how to find your way back. That is exactly what this book will do, help you find your way back. You may be forever changed, but God can still use you for kingdom impact. No matter how far away you drift, He loves you very deeply.

My prayer is that the content in this Bible study, Forever Changed: A Story of Hope, will inspire and encourage anyone struggling with moving forward in your call to serve God. However, in the mean-time, please be intentional about taking a personal time-out to refresh your mind, body, and spirit every day.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" Psalm 51:10


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