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So, What's Your Story?

Everyone has a story to tell, whether they realize it or not. Some stories are difficult, some are exciting, and some are life changing! And most of the time those stories become our testimony, a story of how God guided us through an unsure situation. Sometimes, our testimony turns out to be the survival guide for someone else's journey.

The word testimony can be defined as proof provided by the existence of something or the evidence of a memorable experience, in many cases, an experience witnessed by others. It is a trial that you go through where God guides your every step. Take a moment and think about a trial that you went through and the life lesson that you learned from that trial.

For me, raising three sons was so rewarding. But as a single mother, it was also very scary at times. How would I provide for them? How would I be in all places at all times and still work full-time? I only got paid once a month from work and there were many times that there was more month at the end of the money. Trusting God to provide was all I could do. I never wanted my boys to know just how poor we were at the end of each month. I remember one time I came home with a loaf of bread and a pack of sandwich ham for supper. My youngest looked at me funny and asked me if we were poor because we were having to eat sandwiches. With a big 'ole smile I lifted that loaf of bread up , grabbed some peanut butter and jelly and said no way we ain't poor! We are having a Make Your Own Sandwich Fun Night! Whatever you can find, can be in your sandwich! Little did they know that was all I could scrape together for supper that night. But we had so much fun celebrating "Sandwich Night" with different kinds of sandwiches! Sandwich night actually became a big thing for us, especially at the end of the month.

But God! God knew our need and God provided a way. I can't tell you how many times I would get an unexpected refund check from who knows where that just happened to be the exact amount I needed. Often times, the amount was a little more than I had asked for. God had heard my heartfelt prayers and He provided. then, and He still provides now. Praise Him!

I have shared that story and many more from the life of an overwhelmed single mom to so many people to encourage them that when everything may look bleak, God is always there and all we have to do is trust Him. I actually had a sign made to put in my front yard as a testimony of His provision. The only thing that was written on the sign was "God Provides" Romans 8:28. If you look the scripture up, it reads "And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."

So many people have told me that seeing that sign every time they rode by my house renewed and inspired them! Some said they would take that road just to see the sign to encourage them! God's word reassured them that all they had to do was love God, do His will, and all things would work together for their good. To my knowledge, that sign still stands in the yard of the new owner.

There are so many more stories of how God provided in my life and I am sure you will hear more about them as we blog. When God nudges your heart to share one of your stories, do so because your story may be exactly the word that others may need to hear. God may speak a certain word into their spirit and your story may include the same specific word, confirming to them that God is present and walking with them. The Bible confirms that your testimony proves you are an overcomer of any ploy the devil uses to wear you down!

  • Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.

  • I John 5:4-5 For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believed that Jesus is the Son of God?

  • Romans 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

If you are in the midst of a trial, know that God is very capable of carrying you through. And always remember to share those life lessons as a testimony to His goodness! Someone is asking God for help right now and God is preparing you to be the answer to their prayer.

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