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Live Intentionally

Notice the beautiful yellow flower peeking out from underneath this large cedar tree at the entrance of our subdivision. Although tiny in stature compared to the tree, its yellow petals radiated so brightly that it could be easily seen by those passing by. That little flower caught my attention. Yes, I know it is officially a weed, but from my perspective, I see a flower. Let me tell you what God spoke to me about this little yellow bud.

Even though the tree towered over the small flower and the steamy, hot sun was beating down on it, the flower continued to grow. I believe God intentionally placed it there to catch my attention. My first thoughts reflected back to the days when my little boys would pick these beautiful "flowers" and come running to me saying, "Look mama, a flower for you!" My heart melted every time they would bring me one of these precious flowers. Even today, when I see a single yellow flower standing along, I hear their sweet, sincere, and squealing voices and see the biggest smile on their faces. Sweet memories indeed!

But today, seeing the flower had a little different meaning. I saw a small weed peeking out from the bottom of a bushy tree, all alone, yet radiant. The grass around it was dead, but the vibrant color of the weed's flower against the dead grass made it look like life to me. I paused and thought about what God was saying to me in this moment of time. It was so hot outside that day and if I had been that flower, I would have surely withered away. But God spoke to me and said, it lives intentionally.

Live intentionally? What does that even mean? The word intentional means to do something with purpose, determination, willingly, knowingly, and with desire. To live intentionally means to live with focus regardless of other's expectations. It is to live with purpose based on personal values and beliefs. When we live with purpose, aware of our spiritual soul, we live according to God's will for our life. To live intentional for God is to serve Him unconditionally and trust His plan, even when we don't understand it.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

How do I live intentionally for God? You must abide in His Presence and follow His guidance. You must walk worthy of His calling, be filled with the Spirit, and do everything as unto the Lord. You must use your time wisely, focusing on what He would have you to do every day. Living intentionally brings you peace, contentment, and joy. God tells you to not worry about tomorrow for He has already ordered your steps. Every day, remind yourself of your 'why' Why did God pick you to do His work? Why did God create you to walk on this earth? You must make intentional decisions every day and meditate on His Word. Keep life simple and avoid chaos. If something tests your spirit, walk away. Do not allow anything or anyone to come between you and God.

"Walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord." Ephesians 5:8-10 (NKJV)

How do I begin living intentionally? Just start by being aware of your core values and align them to God's expectations. Find out what God's purpose is in your life by abiding in His presence through worship, prayer, and reading. Create room in your life for what is most important and do not compromise. Set up healthy boundaries to protect your intentional living! Choose who you spend time with, what you do, and how you do it. Be purposeful in all of your decisions. Be mindful of why you do what you do. The world will go on around you, but in reality, YOU are the only one who can make those decisions. Only you can choose to live intentionally. If you feel overwhelmed, dissect your day and identify what did not bring you peace, what wasted your time, or what made you feel less than. And begin to peel those away from your life. God has big plans for you, but you must accept them by walking in His Presence.

Just like that little weed, you may grow under the shadow of others or be tiny compared to the rest of the world. That weed doesn't know it is a weed because it stands proudly with a vibrant flower! Don't let others tell you that you are less than what God created you to be. His desire is for you to be prosperous and fruitful. And that my friend, is the secret to success! Abide in His will for your life. Live intentionally!

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