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Hallelujah Anyway

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

What a busy week! Have you ever had a week that seemed like a week of Mondays?

You know the week will be busy when you look at your daily calendar and it is maxed out. And on top of the busy schedule, you find yourself dreading each day, knowing that anything could happen that would tip the crazy meter over the edge. You may even feel like you are in a spin cycle, out of control.

When those overwhelming days happen and things don't quite work out the way you planned, just learn to shout "Hallelujah" anyway! You could complain, but who really wants to hear any of that. And then, at the end of day, remember to be grateful that God saw you through it despite your kicking and screaming.

So how do you get to that point where no matter what happens, you can just smile and say, "Hallelujah!"? It requires a close and genuine relationship with God. During those stressful times, you must refocus your attention back toward God. Afterall, unless you die, you will live through it! So live through it with praise!

I didn't say troubles would not happen, but when they do happen, learn how to shout "Hallelujah" anyway. It changes your perspective. If God intends for you live through a difficult or unexpected situation, He will provide everything you need to get through it. If you encounter a mountain you must climb, praise Him over it! If you stump your toe in the middle of the night, praise Him anyway. If your finances don't finance, praise Him anyway. If you feel bad, praise Him anyway.

You may not see His Hand working everything out, but rest assured that He is right there with you, preparing a way for you to overcome. Remember, nothing takes God by surprise. So, sometimes the only way through a situation is with a hallelujah! That's the thing about praise! Praise elevates your perspective and focuses you toward the One who can handle any situation.

So why is today's picture a pile of rocks? Rocks are inanimate objects that just lie around, unless thrown or rolled down a hill. In Luke 19, the story of Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem tells how the whole multitude of disciples rejoiced and praised God for all the greats works that they had seen. Unfortunately, some of the Pharisees in the crowd asked Jesus to rebuke the disciples for rejoicing and being so loud. Jesus turned to the Pharisees and told them if the people were silent, the rocks would immediately cry out! In this passage, Jesus encourages you to cry out with honor and praise to Him, even in difficult circumstances.

In the Bible, Jesus often described how nature shouts praises to Him. In Colossians 1:16, it records that all of creation was made for God's glory and to declares His praise. Psalm 114:6-7 says that the mountains leap and the earth trembles in the presence of the Lord. Psalm 148 gives numerous examples of how creation praises their Creator. The angels praise Him. The sun, moon, and stars of light praise Him. The heavens and oceans praise Him. Fire, hail, snow, rain, and stormy winds praise Him. Beasts, cattle, and birds praise Him. Kings, princes, judges, the young and the old praise Him. Everything and everyone was created to praise the name of the Lord for He alone is excellent. Just walk around your yard and watch the trees blow in the wind, the squirrels as they gather food, or the water as it flows over rocks in a creek. Look at the beautiful sunrise or sunset. These are all examples of how creation shouts their praise to Him every day!

So how does a bad day and rocks tie into praising God? The Bible states in Luke 19:38, that if you don't praise Him, the rocks will IMMEDIATELY cry out! Those rocks do not even hesitate to praise Him for the Bible says they cry out immediately. So now, every time you walk by a rock, remember to praise Him before they do. Praise should flow from our lips, all day long, in all things. I didn't say it would be easy. But if you are a Christian and have a relationship with God, praising Him is always easy. If you are going through trials, praise your way through it! Praise the One who created you for this day and time. Only His strength will get you through it. Shout Hallelujah anyway!

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