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Grow Where You Are Planted

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Your birth date is a very special day and was assigned by God himself. God appointed a specific point in time and location to not only create you, but to allow you to grace this earth as one-of-a-kind. Only you are made just the way God wanted you to be! Your physical characteristics are solely unique and your mental capabilities are specifically designed for God's purpose. He created you for a reason, with a special plan for your life and His Kingdom work.

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou come forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5) KJV

I love this picture because it shows a beautiful plant with lavender flowers, growing in the most random crack in concrete. Some people would call this plant a weed, but I call it a reflection of God's grace and mercy. It is all about perspective! I find it very interesting that it grew so large in an area that was not normally conducive to natural growth. Just think, that tiny little seed was probably carried by the wind and landed in a crack in the concrete. The odds were surely against it's growth yet it grew into a beautiful flower. God's mercy (getting rescued from a certain death) and His Grace (unconditional love and unmerited favor) allowed it to grow. That day on the way to an ice shop, I noticed its simple beauty. Life surrounded by concrete. I paused and decided to snap a picture of it! The more I looked at that beautiful plant, the more inspired I was by what God laid on my heart. Please allow me to share His message of provision in difficult places.

You may find yourself in an unbelievable situation that makes you feel so overwhelmed and hopeless, much like this little seed probably felt like when it rolled into this crack. The seed was caught up in an unpredictable air current, tumbling out of control. Finally landing in the most awkward place, squeezed between two slabs of unmovable concrete, the seed found itself in an unproductive crack all alone. Seemingly hopeless.

But what that tiny little seed did not know was that God would provide everything it needed. And He did provide a somewhat protected space, nurturing sunshine, and exactly the right amount of water it needed to grow. How ironic, yet divine, that this little plant begin to grow beside a water gutter! I am sure there were times that water did not spill out of that gutter, yet the plant continued to grow.

What does that mean for you? God has purpose for you and wants you to grow, wherever you are planted. Growing in difficult situations can be such a testimony of your faith and a reflection of God's mercy and grace. Often, when people go through difficult circumstances, others will watch closely to see how you react during those difficult situations. Personal growth takes time, lots of faith, and often an unmeasurable amount of fortitude and courage to carry on despite it all. God promises to provide everything you need, even when it seems hopeless to you. Always look for Him in every situation and if you think you don't see Him, remember He promises to always be with you, no matter what. All you have to do is trust Him. Remember, you are His Child, His Creation, for such a day as this. And He has great purpose for your life. Just simply trust His plan. In order to do so, you will have to take the time to sit quietly (still your heart) and listen intently. He will guide you every step of the way, often sending His Christian people and guardian angels to help you. Study His Word and stand on His promises. The Bible is full of excellent advice and the secret to success.

Now, look at that picture again. Do you see the realization that God always provides exactly what you need, exactly when you need it, exactly where you need it! Grow wherever you are planted and trust Him for necessary provisions. Then stand so tall in faith that when someone walks by you, they want to snap a picture because you reflect His love...your story for His glory.

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

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